For a course in Database Management, we created a database for COVID-19 cases in Florida. This assignment was done as a group with You Zhou, Samrat Korupolu, and Tatyanna Villegas. We created a database in Oracle SQL Server consisting of five tables: one for case-level data, one for county-level data, one for hospital-level data, one for mask information by county, and one for the origin of the cases. We used this database to examine how COVID-19 had impacted the 67 Florida counties. You can read the full report in the download button below.
Statistical Data Mining was my favorite course that I took at USF, although the most challenging. The class was about modeling using statistics, so with my background in statistics, I really loved it. For a group project, done with Tapiwa Gwede and Tatyanna Villegas, we looked at how various factors affected symptoms of anxiety and depression during the pandemic. We looked at different state policies and COVID-19 cases per 100,000 as predictor variables to create actionable reccomendations for state policy makers. You can read the full report in the download button below.
This was a solo assignment completed using Tableau. I created a database consisting of every pitch thrown by the New York Yankees from 2008 to 2020, sourced from Baseball Savant, and examined how fastball velocity and pitcher arsenal has changed over the years. I also look at consequences of this and motivation behind the trends. You can view the Tableau packaged workbook and written report in the download buttons below.
Data Warehousing was a database course focused on dimensional database models. This group assignment, completed with Samrat Korupolu, Samarpan Dutta, and Meghla Sarkar, tasked us to create our own data warehouse. Our database was comprised of every pitch thrown in the 2021 Major League Baseball season up until June 21 (over 300,000 pitches). After creating the database in Oracle SQL Server, analysis was completed on the data through querying and visualizations in Tableau. An emphasis was put on 2021's spin rate controversey and we looked at how spin rate impacts the game and how it changed throughout the season. You can read the full report in the download button below.
Sabermiketrics is my personal website where I write about baseball analytics. I started this blog in 2018 to practice the skills that I was learning in school (Excel, R, Tableau) and apply it to my favorite hobby: baseball.
Link to Sabermiketrics