Product | Recall Initiation Date | Classification | Reason For Recall | Voluntary or Mandated Recall | Country | City | State | Distribution Coverage |
BETAMETHASONE NA PHOSPHATE | May/28/2013 | Class 2 Moderate | Adverse Skin Reaction | Voluntary, Firm Initiated | US | Newbern | TN | Nationwide |
DIAZEPAM INJECTION | Aug/16/2013 | Class 2 Moderate | Lack of Sterility | Voluntary, Firm Initiated | US | Lakeforest | IL | Nationwide and Peurtorico |
METHYL PREDNIZOLONE ACETATE | Apr/17/2013 | Class 2 Moderate | Lack of Sterility | Mandated by FDA | US | Lakemary | FL | CO, GA, MI, PR |