These are my projects for the Web Page Design course. Click on the activity names below: Students will create an electronic version of their resume. Re-Write Activity Students will re-write USF College of Education overview. Re-Design Activity Students will re-design a webpage, making it adhere to Robin William's four principles of design (Proximity, Alignment, Repetition, and Contrast). Accessibility Activity Students will edit the HTML code for the FCIT Workshops web page, making it accessible to all. Focusing on the Priority 1 Checkpoints identified by WebXACT as well as Section 508 errors. Multimedia Activity Students will create a webpage or use an existing website and add multimedia elements to it. Include at least one graphic and at least two of the following multimedia features: animations, audio, or video. Interactivity Activity Students will create an online activity for the Multicultural Education through Miniatures website using one of the tools given (or any tool of your choice). The content should be related to multicultural education, and it should be designed for children. Final Project Students will find a client and design and develop a website for them. The client for my final project is the USF Sun Dome, Inc. I have partnered with David Nichols to re-design and re-create the USF Sun Dome's existing website []. After our peers have reviewed the website, we made
minor modification to the first draft.