

the cultural background

the kings


before 8000 BC




8000-5200 BC

Epipalaeolithic (Tarifian ; Qarunian - Fayum B - 6000-5000 BC)


3000 years

6000-5000 BC

Nabta Playa


1000 years

5200-4000 BC

Fayum Neolithic (Fayum A)


1200 years

4800-4200 BC



600 years

4600-4400 BC

El Omari


200 years

4400-4000 BC



400 years

4000-3300 BC



700 years

4000-3500 BC


Naqada I

500 years

3500-3200 BC

Egypt in the Naqada Period

Naqada II

300 years

3200-3100 BC


Naqada III

100 years

3100-2686 BC

Egypt in the Early Dynastic

Early Dynastic

400 years

2686-2181 BC

Egypt in the Old Kingdom

Old Kingdom

500 years

2181-2025 BC

Egypt in the First Intermediate Period

First Intermediate Period

150 years

2025-1700 BC

Egypt in the Middle Kingdom

Middle Kingdom

325 years

1700-1550 BC

Egypt in the Second Intermediate Period

Second Intermediate Period

150 years

1550-1069 BC

Egypt in the New Kingdom

New Kingdom

500 years

1069-664 BC

Egypt in the Third Intermediate Period

Third Intermediate Period

400 years

664-525 BC

Egypt in the Late Period

Late Period

139 years

525-404 BC

Egypt in the first Persian Period

First Persian Period

121 years

404-343 BC

Late Dynastic Period in Egypt

Late Dynastic Period

61 years

343-332 BC

Egypt in the second Persian Period

Second Persian Period

11 years

332-305 BC


Macedonian Period

27 years

323-30 BC

Ptolemaic Period

Ptolemaic Period

293 years

30 BC - 640 AD

Egypt in the Roman Period

Roman/Byzantine Period

670 years


Egypt in the Islamic Period

Islamic Period

877 years


Ottoman Period

288 years


Khedival Period

114 years



34 years



50+ years

Dates are only certain after 664 BC. The earliest dates are often very unsecure.




Abbreviated Chronology [7]


before 3100 BC

Predynastic period

C. 3100-2890 BC

Archaic period

1st -2nd dynasties

C 2686-2181 BC

Old Kingdom

3rd – 6th dynasties

2181-2040 BC

1ST Intermediate period

7th 11th dynasties

2040-1786 BC

Middle Kingdom

End 11th 12th dynasties

1786-1550 BC

2nd Intermediate period

13th – 17th dynasties

1550-1085 BC

New Kingdom

18th-20th dynasties

1085-712 BC

3rd Intermediate period

21st-27th dynasties

712-404 BC

Ethiopian and Sais Renaissance

25th-27th dynasties

404-343 BC

Last Egyptian dynasties

28th-30th dynasties

343-332 BC

Second era of Persian rule

322 BC – AD 395

Greco-Roman period



Another great website for the Egyptian Chronolgy:



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