The Mathematics Departments at the University of South Florida, Florida Southern College, University of Central Florida and the University of Florida announce:

The First Florida Analysis Seminar

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Florida Southern College, Lakeland FL

(follow the link above for map and directions)

Seminar speakers:

Scott McCullough, University of Florida

Title: “Freeing semi-algebraic geometry and convex analysis”

Abstract: The talk will survey results in free - freely non-commutative that is - algebraic and semi-algebraic geometry with an eye toward issues of convexity. One theme is that free analogs of classical results like the Nullstellensatz have natural and often cleaner statements than their commutative counterparts. Another is that free convexity is very rigid. For instance, a convex non-commutative polynomial has degree at most two. The subject has a definite functional analytic flavor and incorporates many ideas from operator spaces and systems. It also has something to say about engineering systems problems determined by a signal flow diagram.

Razvan Teodorescu, University of South Florida

Title: “Integrability, from freak waves to quantum billiards”

Abstract: By curious quirks of history, the theory of integrable systems has retained a certain aura of mystery for the rest of mathematics, despite its significant influence on algebraic geometry, differential equations and operator theory. This lecture will review some of the important points in the development of classical and quantum integrability, with emphasis on recent results, from quantum groups to random surfaces and combinatorics.

Registration and talks will be held in Polk Science 155.

To register for this event, please e-mail the University of South Florida organizer, professor Dima Khavinson (at, indicating your name, affiliation, and contact information.

Parking information: please use the link above for the map and directions. Campus parking is free and lot VA is the most convenient for access to the seminar location.

Meeting program:

10:00 - 11:00 Registration and coffee reception. A flat charge of 15.00$ will cover registration costs, a boxed lunch and coffee breaks.

11:00 -12:00 Scott McCullough

12:00 - 1:30 lunch in Honeyman Pavilion.

1:30 - 2:30 Razvan Teodorescu

2:30 - Discussions.

Participants to the First Florida Analysis Seminar:

Adam Broschinski
Alberto Condori
Alex Tovbis
Allen Wuertz
Anna Skripka
Boris Shekhtman
Catherine Beneteau
D. Aritra
Daniel Jelsovsky
Dmitry Khavinson
Erik Lundberg
Evgenii Rakhmanov
George Ruppeiner
Jie Liang
Joe Brennan
Joel Rosenfeld
Junyi Tu
Kari Fowler
Kristin Luery
Larie Ward
Lisa De Castro
Matthew Fleeman
Maxim Zinchenko
Mike Jury
Miriam Castillo-Gil
Patrick McDonald
Piotr Mikusinski
Qiyu Sun
Ram Mohapatra
Razvan Teodorescu
Scott Mccullough
Shawn Hedman
Teffera M. Asaw
Thomas Bieske
Timmy Tzaneteas
Trevor Richards
Xin Li
Kamran Sadiq
Johann Veras
Jason Swanson
Ryan Karr

Univeristy of South florida, analysis, semianr, interdisciplinary, mathematics, meetings