Math 412 Old topic - These topics may appear on test 2
Isomorphism of graphs.
Representations of graphs: adjacency and incidence matrices.
Walks, Path, Trails, cycles, walks trails,
Lemma 1.2.15 in the book,
Lemma 1.2.25, Proposition 1.2.27,
Eulerian circuits and trails. Euler's Theorem (1.2.26).
Bipartite graphs. A characterization of bipartite graphs (Theorem 1.2.18).
Extremal problems on graphs. Mantel's Theorem (1.3.23), Turán's theorem (5.2.9)
Graphic sequences. Havel-Hakimi (Theorem 1.3.31)
Directed graphs: degrees, connectivity, Eulerian circuits, de Bruijn graphs (Theorem 1.4.26).
Tournaments, kings in tournaments (Proposition 1.4.30).
Trees, characterizations of trees (Theorem 2.1.4, Corollary 2.1.5).
Distances in graphs. Centers of trees (Theorem 2.1.3).
Math 412 - Test 2 topics
Cayley's formula (Theorem 2.2.3)
recurrence for the number of spanning trees Proposition (2.2.8)
Matrix Tree theorem (Theorem 2.2.12)
minimum spanning trees, Kruskal's Algorithm and proof that Kruskal's algorithm is correct (Theorem 2.3.3)
Every component of the symmetric difference of two matchings is a path or even cycle (Lemma 3.1.9)
A matching M in a graph G is maximum if and only if M has no M-augmenting paths (Theorem 3.1.10)
Hall's Theorem (Theorem 3.1.11) and applications
Marriage theorem (Theorem 3.1.13)
Stable marriage theorem - Gale-Shapley (Theorem 3.2.18)
König, Egerváry "If G is bipartite, then α'(G) = β(G)"
α(G) + β(G) = n(G) (Lemma 3.1.21)
If G has no isolated vertices, then α'(G) + β'(G) = n(G) (Theorem 3.1.22)
If G is bipartite without isolated vertices, then α(G) = β'(G) (Corollary 3.1.24)
Tutte's Theorem (3.3.3)
Petersen's Theorem (3.3.8)
Berge-Tutte formula (3.3.7)