Math 412 Test 1 - Wednesday 02/26
List of topics
Isomorphism of graphs.
Representations of graphs: adjacency and incidence matrices.
Walks, Path, Trails, cycles, walks trails,
Lemma 1.2.15 in the book,
Lemma 1.2.25, Proposition 1.2.27,
Eulerian circuits and trails. Euler's Theorem (1.2.26).
Bipartite graphs. A characterization of bipartite graphs (Theorem 1.2.18).
Extremal problems on graphs. Mantel's Theorem (1.3.23), Turán's theorem (5.2.9)
Graphic sequences. Havel-Hakimi (Theorem 1.3.31)
Directed graphs: degrees, connectivity, Eulerian circuits, de Bruijn graphs (Theorem 1.4.26).
Tournaments, kings in tournaments (Proposition 1.4.30).
Trees, characterizations of trees (Theorem 2.1.4, Corollary 2.1.5).
Distances in graphs. Centers of trees (Theorem 2.1.3).