Math 412 Class log
Passed out course outline
and emergency information.
What is linear programming? solving
a linear program in 2d, unbounded and infeasible linear programs
Diet problem, production schedule problem, forms
of a linear problem and converting between forms
Discussion of different forms of linear problems
and why the form min c^Tx Ax = b
is NOT equivalent to the other forms.
Linear subspaces and affine subspaces,
the two assumptions about LPs in standard form
that we usually make, matrix index notation
basis and bfs solutions
basic feasible solution introduction,
proposition: basic feasible solution uniquely
determined by a basis,
degenerate basic feasible solution
and degeneracy
Fundamental theorem of linear programs in
standard form
The Simplex method
Unbounded and infeasible linear programs,
the relative cost vector,
zero level, Cycling, and lexicographic simplex,
intro to lex. simplex
proof of lex simplex, Bland's rule, 2 phase simplex.
2 phase simplex continued, Algebraic theorem
Algebraic Theorem continued, Intro to Duality
Definition of Dual (Def 3.1), Weak Duality,
The dual of the dual is primal (Theorem 3.2),
Strong duality, Theorem 3.3
Complementary slackness,
finding a feasible solution is as hard as solving a
linear program
Farkas Lemma
Dual simplex method, sensitivity analysis
matrix games
matrix games continued
Integer linear programs,
Graphs, Incidence matrix of a graph,
matching and vertex cover problems,
relaxation of an ILP,
satisfiability example,
totally unimodular matrices,
Theorem 13.3, The incidence matrices
of bipartite are TUM
Directed graphs,
the incidence matrices of directed graphs are TUM,
shortest path problem as an LP,
shortest path problem as an LP,
the dual of the shortest path problem,
Decomposing flows and circulations
Intro to the max-flow problem,
revised simplex
Intro to the max-flow problem,
Revised simplex continued,
max flow with revised simplex.
max flow with revised simplex cont.
Intro to Primal-dual
Primal dual continued
Dijkstra's algorithm and primal dual
for min-cost path
Primal dual for min-cost path example,
Primal-dual for max flow intro,
Primal-dual for max-flow continue and
issues with Ford-Fulkerson
Dual of the max-flow LP and min-cut=max-flow.
Finished Floyd-Warshall,
Intro to min-cost flow and algorithm cycle
Proved 7.1 using primal-dual method,
Klee-Minty cube and intro to the Ellipsoid method.
Ellipsoid method
Ellipsoid method
Finish Ellipsoid method and start machine scheduling
Machine scheduling
Machine scheduling