Math 484 - Fall 2014 - Class log
Section 1.1 - Theorem 1.1.1 (Taylor's Formula), Definition 1.1.3 global minimizer, strict global minimizer, etc.,
Theorem 1.1.4, Theorem 1.1.5
Section 1.2 - Review of n-dimensional space, distance, open balls, open/closed/compact sets,
Definition 1.2.2 global minimizer, strict global minimizer, etc., Theorem 1.2.3
Section 1.2 continued - quadratic forms, positive definiteness, positive definiteness, etc.
Taylor's Formula for functions from R^n to R, Theorems 1.2.5 and 1.2.9, start of Section 1.3
(9/1/2014) Labor day - no class
Section 1.3 - Facts about positive semidefinite matrics,
tests for positive definiteness and negative definiteness using principal minors,
Theorems 1.3.6 and 1.3.7
Section 1.4 Definition and examples of coercive functions, Theorem 1.4.4 and example,
Section 1.5 - Review of the spectral theorem and Theorem 1.5.1
(9/8/2014) No class
(9/10/2014) No class
(9/12/2014) No class
Convex sets - section 2.1
Convex functions - section 2.2
Convex functions - section 2.2 continued
Arithmetic Geometric mean inequality - examples section 2.4
Arithmetic Geometric mean inequality - continued section 2.4
Intro to geometric programming section 2.5
Unconstrained Geometric programming -Section 2.5
Least squares (section 4.1)
Least squares (section 4.1)
Subspaces and projections
finished section 4.2 and
started section 4.3
Finished minimum norm solutions
and start of section 5.1,
Theorem 5.1.1, Corollary 5.1.2
and Theorem 5.1.3
Theorem 5.1.4, Theorem 5.1.5,
Corollary 5.1.6 and Theorem 5.1.7
Theorem 5.1.8 and 5.1.9
Theorem 5.1.10, enter to convex programming
section 5.2
Linear programming examples,
Perturbation of a convex program,
MP(z), Theorem 5.2.6
Example of convex program that are
discontinuous at 0 and not differentiable at 0,
Theorem 5.2.8
Theorem 5.2.11 and examples
defined the Lagranian, Theorem 5.2.13
Theorem 5.2.14 and example
Review of section 5.2, Theorem 5.2.16,
extended AM-GM inequality
Example of geometric programming
Discussion of geometric programs and
start of proof of 5.3.5
Dual convex programs,
definitions: MD, solutions of dual programs,
feasible and consistent convex programs,
Theorem 5.4.6
Example of transforming a problem to
a constrained, finished theorem 5.3.5
Dicussion of duality,
LP weak duality and strong duality,
example of solving a LP using its dual,
example of a solution to a quadratic program
Review of duality method,
finished quadratic programmin example,
example of a convex program with a duality gap,
Intro to penalty methods, penalty functions,
Absolute value penalty function,
Courant-Beltrami penalty function,
Lemma 6.1.3,
The penalty method (start of section 6.2)
Example of penalty function (6.2.2),
Example of exact penalty function (6.2.6)
Theorem 6.2.3 and Corollary (6.2.4)
Section 6.3,
Theorem 6.3.1, Lemma 6.3.2 and Lemma 6.3.4,
Statement of Theorem 6.3.5
Proof of Theorem 6.3.5, Intro to chapter 3,
Newton's Method sequence 3.1.1
Example of Newton's method,
Theorems 3.1.4 and 3.1.5,
Definition of steepest descent method
and example.
Theorem 3.2.3, Theorem 3.2.5,
Definition of a descent method,
Theorem 3.2.6 and Corollary 3.2.7
Section 3.3,
Four criteria for a good update rule,
Wolfe's Theorem 3.5.1,
Making a symmteric matrix positive
definition by adding a multiple of
the identity matrix
Second 3.5, Broyden's Method,
Secant condition,
outer product
No class (for make-up exam)
Discussion about midterm 3,
Section 3.5 Intro to BFGS method,
Theorem 3.5.1
Description of the BFGS method
and the DFP method for function minimization